Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Frost on my neighbour's car

In photographs I don't like what is often call 'reading into' the image - e.g. "look at the clouds can you see an animal".

Frost on windows or metal etc always grabs me.

Can you resist 'seeing' something when they are strong clues or indicators?

For contemplative photography, as in meditation and zen teachings, it is the isness - which requires resting in Awareness, experiencing without interpretation.

Once you attach a name you demand a particular reading, an interpretation which is why many photographers and other visual artists don't attach names to their work.

Monday, January 2, 2017

The secret to living well

365-inspiration No. 3

"The secret to living well and longer is: eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure." – Tibetan Proverb

To live in restraint and harmony enables us to see each dual element as a pointer to Mystery and the Whole.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The essence of street photography & the essence of inter-spiritual living

365-inspiration No. 2

The essence of street photography is in several (often moving) things presenting themselves beyond your control but in coming together make deep, unusual or humorous meaning - often just in a few milliseconds.

This photograph came to me post-event but bears extraordinary depths of meaning. (Click on photograph to see a larger version)

Capture the 'just right' millisecond and the things become a whole or or point to the Whole.

The essence of inter-spirituality as a way of life is to encounter all things as pointers to the Mystery of the Whole.